Green Hell Wiki
Morpho Menelaus
Blue Butterfly
Added in
Forest Floor & Riverbanks

Butterflies are a species animal in Green Hell added in V.0.1.

Basic Info[ | ]

Butterflies are a decorative animal. They cannot be interacted with and they currently serve no use other than to provide immersion. There are two types of butterflies, orange and blue. They can be seen flying in many areas of the rainforest.

Trivia[ | ]

Originally only the orange butterfly could be seen in Green Hell, the blue butterfly was later added in V.0.5.0.

References[ | ]

For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Butterflies, see the relevant Wikipedia article

Gallery[ | ]

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Update History[ | ]

Version Changes
V.1.0 Change – Rearranged birds and butterflies.
V.0.5.0 Added – Blue butterflies.

Amphibians Cane ToadPoison Dart Frog
Birds Hyacinth MacawScarlet MacawToucan
Fish AngelfishArowanaDiscus FishPeacock BassRed-Bellied PiranhaRiver Stingray
Invertebrates Brazilian Wandering SpiderBrazilian WaspGoliath Birdeater SpiderLarvaMaggotsMystery SnailPrawnRainforest AntsRed CrabScorpion
Mammals ArmadilloCapybaraCollared PeccaryJaguarMousePumaSouth American TapirThree Banded Armadillo
Reptiles Black CaimanCaiman LizardGreen IguanaRed Footed TortoiseSouth American Rattlesnake
Decorative Bats